Medical Ear Piercing
Medical Ear Piercing
We offer a sterile system designed for families concerned with the health risks associated with ear piercing - blood borne viruses and nickel allergy. With that in mind, the encapsulated cassette system has been designed from a medical standpoint, using modern technology and safe materials. To ensure the safest possible ear piercing
This encapsulated cassete contains one ear piercing stud and one butterfly for one ear piercing (not two as with many other systems). The customer can be certain that this sterile disposable cassette is used solely on him/her and no-one else. Maximum protection for the customer!
Medical Plastic - 0% nickel
Medical Plastic is the only material for ear piercing with 0% nickel. With pure, medical plastic you can be assured that you will not be exposed to any nickel. Recommended for children and adults
who want to be absolutely certain that they will not develop nickel allergy during the healing period.